Friday, January 24, 2025

168 Sushi Buffet - Brampton, ON

CLOSED January 22, 2024

Lease was not renewed.

168 Kennedy Rd

 Visited April 3, 2014

The GTA has an abundance of Japanese AYCE establishments. With so many, the comparisons will be inevitable. Who is the best? Where should I be spending my dollars?

168 is located behind strip mall. Fortunately they did the wise thing and have a huge out front pointing out its location. Business was slow to moderate on this evening but steady. Is that a sign of what the locals know?

Sashimi – crab meet, snapper, white tuna, salmon. Slightly below par, on the dry side. Not particular the highest quality cuts. Mussels. Again, not the freshest, not sweet. Squid Tempura. Flour like and high in carbs. A pass for me.

Salmon Collar and Salmon Belly. Not necessarily the litmus test but these should be easy to make tasty and should be a reflection of the potential quality. I always enjoy these regardless but these were less flavorful than expected. Still a favorite.

Chip Spicy Salmon. Chip Spicy White Tuna. Both were tasty with the heat. Salmon Rose. Good, fresh tasting. Flying Fish Egg. Always a favorite with great crunchy mouthfeel. This was up to par.

Black Snow Roll – spicy salmon, crispy, avocado, rice paper roll. I don’t know why it’s call that because there’s nothing black about it. it had flavor and zing. This was one of my favorites for the evening.

Scallop Tempura. These seemed more flour and carbs than scallops. Bacon and Crab Meat. Bacon is always makes things taste better. These were tasty morsels. Yakitori – decent.

4/27/16, 6:36 PM

168 isn’t in the top tier of the Japanese AYCE establishments in the GTA. Of the limited number I have been to, 168 falls in last place. It’s not bad per se. It’s just that its competition does better.

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