Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pan Y Pan - Madison, WI


3737 Milwaukee St

Is it still La Joya or just Pan Y Pan?  No sign was present to indicate it was La Joya although a newspaper article still hangs by the cash register.

We walked in through the bakery entrance unsure of the seating and ordering protocol.  We asked the cashier how it worked and she handed us the menus and said take any seat we liked.  A few minutes later the waitress dropped of some chips and salsa.

Chorizo Quesadilla

The salsa was a smokey brownish  red peppery sauce rather than the typical chunky tomato style served in most Mexican restaurants. It was fantastic and addictive with just the right amount of heat and salt. I wish I could have had a bucket to go.

 Lomo Torta.

It was surprising the food took as long as it did to arrive but when it arrived, we were not disappointed with the quantity.  HUGE! Unfortunately both dishes were lukewarm and then to top it off, the Quesadilla and Torta were both bland. No zing or wow. They were more than passable but failed to resonate with the taste buds.  If the chips and salsa were a tease of the food to come, the main entrees left us severely wanting.

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